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Book titled 'Show Me Your Christmas'Read this book made on StoryJumper


Zrealizowaliśmy kolejne założenie naszego projektu Show Me Your Christmas. Razem ze swoimi projektowymi przyjaciółmi stworzyliśmy piosenkę "Santa Claus is coming to town". Oto i ona. Zapraszamy do posłuchania i obejrzenia.

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Kartki dla naszych partnerów

Zrealizowaliśmy już jedno z założeń naszego projektu. Wykonaliśmy kartki świąteczne i wysłaliśmy je do naszych przyjaciół z Gdańska i Zabierzowa. Obebraliśmy też piękne kartki adresowane do nas.

80741245 1228324314028501 910403938560245760 n

80898307 1360414220802429 3206177822150230016 n

80437612 1176151706108848 1001919718723944448 n

O projekcie Show Me Your Christmas

1. The project is dedicated to students aged 7-9. The aim of it is to show the students that Christmas can be celebrated in many different ways (different food, decorations, sharing presents, etc.) In the course of the the project students will write cards to each other, they will make a Christmas video clip and a final product –a Christmas photo album.


1. Cultivate Christmas tradition
2. Meeting new friends
3. Improving english language skills (speaking and writing)
4. Cooperation with other teachers and students
5. To make the students open to other students’ ideas and culture


Work process:
November - the project starts:
1. First task is to know each other : an on line meeting (saying hello to each other, short presentations of our schools) the 28th of November, 9.15

December – sending cards to each other
1. Icebreaking activities: Creating a funny Christmas clip (all the students taking part in the project)
2. Cards sending (student send cards to each other in english)
January/February – Christmas memories
1. Each school creates a Christmas photo album. The photo album shows children’s Christmas photos. The albums are sent to other schools where students look at the other students album. They can compare their Christmas traditions. The student can also put some comments/greetings in a special place in the photo album ( a kind of chronicle).


Expected results:
1. Christmas photo album and a Christmas clip.
2. Interschool friendship and cooperation
3. Long term partnerships
4. New experiences
5. Open minded students who are not afraid of using a foreign language

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Wednesday the 22nd. Siewierz