Zdjęcia wykonane przez naszych uczniów w ramach projektu "Let's Travel with Math"

Jednym z zadań projektowych było przygotowanie zdjęć obrazujących obecność matematyki w naszym życiu i w otoczeniu. Prace naszych uczniów są niezwykle ciekawe i trafnie realizują przedstawiony temat.

                                                                      Justyna Chudy

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Let's Travel With Math.

The project is dedicated to students aged 13-15. The aim of it is to  show the students that Math is very useful in everyday life. During the project students will plan journeys to partner’s countries, they will  try to find Math around them – not only in Math books.  What is more, they will use English language to communicate with each other what will allow them to develop their communication skills.


1. To show the students that Math is very useful in everyday life
2. Improving Math and language skills
3. To develop planning skills
4. Cooperation with other teachers and students
5. Show the students connection between Math and the world around us
6. To make the students open to other countries and cultures


March - the project starts:
1. First task is to know each other : on line meeting (saying hello to each other, short presentations of our schools)
2. Logo planning ( quiz announced during an on line meeting)
3. Working on Questionnairies (statistical survey): everything that they want to know about other students from other schools and schools.
April – Travel planning for visiting partner’s cities 
1. Choosing means of transportations, all the costs connected with travelling, trying to find the cheapest way to get to partner’s city, planning all the costs ) – on line meeting and presentations of travel plans.
May – Math in our cities.
1. Math (geometry) in our city. For example exchanging photos of partner’s cities and finding math there and describing it.
2. Final product – a guidebook.
3. Evaluation.


1. Math-friendly students
2. International friendship and cooperation 
3. Long term partnerships
4. New experiences
5. Open minded students
6. More organized students who are not afraid of using foreign language

Magdalena Drezler

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Wednesday the 5th. Siewierz